Tree Top 100% Cranberry Juice Cocktail 300ml
Tree Top 100% Cranberry Juice Cocktail 300ml
Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, a vitamin that is essential for the maintenance of skin, muscles, and bone. With #Tree TopPH, you get to savor 73 cranberries in a glass of 100% Cranberry Juice Cocktail! #purefect
Did you know that cranberries contain phytonutrients which are naturally derived plant compounds? Studies show that this type of nutrient helps prevent health problems such as UTI, respiratory disorders, kidney stones, cancer, and heart disease.
Sysu International Inc. is the exclusive distributor of Tree Top in the Philippines.
#TreeTopJuicePH #juice #naturaljuice
#100%HealthyChoice #cranberryjuice #cranberry